About Sprucebalm

The glassblowers Sprucebalm is a swedish nature product made in Småland, based on historical knowledge from the nordic nature pharmacy. Its ingredients spruceresin, beeswax and rapeseed oil gives a smooth and easily applied balm used for softening cracked skin and insectbites.

Historically sprucebalm has been used by the glassblowers in Småland on small burns and spruceresin is said to have antibacterial, anticeptic and antiinflammatorical qualities. Whereever spruce has grown it has been used on cracked skin, small wounds, against fungus, and when someone got a small stick under the skin the sprucebalm was put on over night and the stick could more easily be removed the day after.

New Finnish scientific research results confirm the spruceresins unique qualities in the treatement of wounds and helathscenters in Finland use a pharmaceutic product based on spruceresin in their treatments

Before you start using the Sprucebalm remember that the resin can give allergic reactions to  certain people so test on one small surface and wait one day before you start using.

Any allergic reactions will dissapear as soon as you stop using the Sprucebalm.